70% Off Accelerate Your Manifestations in 1 Day...

Hurry Up Offer Ends When the Timer Hits


And if the 70% savings isn't enough to get you excited, check out these five Assets!

When the timer gets to 0 this offer will no longer be available. These teaching were suppose to be for my exclusive MasterMind only... But I decided due to the climate of the world to open up doors to the public for 1 Day... These teachings are the missing link to any Law of attraction methods and will benefit whoever is ready to quantum leap into a future only full of possibilities....




  • Asset 1: Accelerate Your Manifestations Workbook [ Value $97 ]  
    This 30+ page workbook will help you call in your desires in no time flat. Previous students said this workbook was worth the price of the Retreat.


  • Asset 2: Subconscious Reprogramming [ Value $ 97 ] 

    Everybody who want to become a conscious Manifester and call in desires on a high and consistent level, will eventually have doubt and frustrations about doing it right, it is human nature. If you’re dealing with the frustration of knowing that something is blocking you from receiving your manifestations, but you do not know what it is, then this retreat is for you. You’ll see how to banish manifestation doubts from your life forever ...and never have to think about it again.


  • Asset 3:  Manifestation Attraction Tool [ Value $ 197 ] 
    In this highly talked about retreat  you’ll see the TRUTH about what is blocking you why you attract what you attract ...and how to manifest ANYthing and do it much faster than ever before because of you clarity.


  • Asset 4:  Manifestation Initiation  [ Value $ 197 ] 
    Have you ever wondered how the pros make it look so easy to Manifest? Well, it will be revealed to you in the Retreat. You’ll learn exactly how they do it, so you can model their method and start call in your desires much sooner and consistently.


  • Asset 5:  Number One Manifestation Technique [ Value $97 ] 
    To make sure you are left with everything you need to be successful, I have added as a bonus my number ONE manifestation technique that my private clients who pay $5,555 to work with me use. This is manifestation foundation technique. Let's do it right the first time.

What Petra's Tribe Have To Say......


 “3rd WIN WIN WIN I am so happy....


“My aha moment was when I did the workbook and realized how I was unconsciously attracting the same.....”

“Gratitude to two souls that have taught me my super powers......”

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